Apr 2016 Meeting

The April meeting of the 2015/2016 year was held on Thurs. 14th April in the Craobh Eo Centre (Old Schoolhouse) in Aghamore.
Willie Creighton was our demonstrator for this month and whilst we were taken on a revision course, it was a timely reminder to all with regard to the use of various tools for both spindle and faceplate turning.
Willie started by doing some spindle work. He worked his way through the use of the skew chisel and spindle gouge. With these tools he went through the process of turning an ogee.
Next up was the use of the roughing gouge and bringing a square section to a cylinder (peeling cut). A cleaner finish was then achieved by ensuring the bevel was rubbing on the wood. Also outlined was the movement of the body and safety aspects were to the fore.
Next Willie went through the use of the parting tool on endgrain and then using the spindle gouge to leave a cleaner cut on end grain.
This section of the demo was finished by going through the process of turning beads, coves, fillets and tapers. A discussion followed regarding speed of wood to be turned and comparing the skew and spindle gouge.
The second part of the demo was on face plate turning.
A faceplate was attached to a bowl blank and the outer section was shaped by truing up and flattening up the base using a half inch bowl gouge. A spigot was turned on the end of the base and in turn it was dovetailed to maximise the grip of the chuck. The outside of the bowl was then turned by turning an ogee slowly moving it around the outside. The toolrest was adjusted to ensure it was close to the wood at all times.
The chuck was then mounted on the lathe and the spigot that was turned was inserted in the jaws of the chuck. Willie then proceeded to remove the waste from the centre of the bowl constantly outlining points of safety (tool rest, positioning of hand etc). Slowly and meticulously willie worked on achieving a smooth curve at the bottom of the bowl
Willie went through the different chucking systems, sanding and the importance of extraction, stability of the hand, protection of lathe when applying finishes, and appropriate speed for various processes.
This was a thoroughly enjoyable demonstration with a lot to be learned by all present.
April's Competition
Our April competition was a decorative centre piece for a dining table. This project left plenty of scope for invention so well done to all who submitted a piece.
The pieces were judged by Martin Wilson and Gareth Duggan.
May’s competition is a piece from firewood (supplied).
Winner Liam Horan
Second Tom Jordan
Third Sean Foody