Dec 2015 Meeting

The December meeting of the 2015/2016 year was held on Thurs. 10th December in the Craobh Eo Centre in Aghamore.
Pat O’Malley was our demonstrator for the evening and he decided to turn a Christmas ornament.
The Christmas ornament was in three parts which could be interchanged and different shapes produced.
The 50 mm square blank for the top was drilled with a 16 mm (5/8 th Inch) bit to a depth of about 25 mm. This lightens the blank as well as providing a mechanism to hold it in a jam chuck for shaping. At this stage another insertion was made 5 mm deep with a 28 mm (1 1/8th inch) bit to attach the body to. A jam chuck (16 mm) was then mounted and the blank inserted with support from the tailstock. The top could then be turned to an cone shape. The tip was laminated (wood of your choice) and the laminated pieces were strenghtened by a 3 mm dowel going through the middle. Final shaping once laminations are dry.
A 50 mm square body blank was then mounted, prepared and drilled in a similiar way to the top. A 5 mm tenon was turned and fitted to enable the body to attach to the top. Next the body was mounted on the jam chuck and shaped in proportion to the top. A 6 mm hole was drilled at the bottom to receive the bottom filial.
Finally a filial about 30 mm long was turned to fit the body.
This ornament may sound complicated but once the first one is done and jam chucks prepared, it is very easy to repeat. The ornament design is only limited by your imagination as different woods can be used as well as colour.
Pat then briefly demonstrated the use of texturing and colour on a yo yo which can be popular as well.
Another aspect touched upon was the use of colour using acrylic paint markers. These colours are vibrant and allow a precise area to be worked on.
Finally Pat showed how to use a mandrel to hold blocks of wood together in order to shape a Japenese toy.
Chairman Sean Foody then reminded the members that the Christmas dinner was to take place on the Sat (12th Dec) in the Western Hotel in Claremorris. This was also the date and venue for handover of the pieces to Enable Ireland who would be on hand to receive them.
Finally the handover of the wooden bicycle built by Craobh Eo chapter members for display at the entrance to Mayo University Hospital was scheluded for Monday 14th Dec at 12 noon. Taoiseach Enda Kenny to officiate.
A busy time in the lead up to Christmas but a very satisfying conclusion to our year.
Happy Christmas to you and your families.
December's Competition
The December competition was for a Christmas ornament. There was a good selection of entries and standard was high. Thanks to all.
The pieces were judged by P. J. Hanninen with commentary and critique by Paul Tant
January’s competition is a piece of jewellery.
Winner Eamonn Brennan
Second Richard Barrett
Third Paul Tant