Dec 2018 Meeting

The December meeting of the CraobhEo 2018/19 year took place on the 13th December in the CraobhEo Centre in Aghamore.
Sean Byrne was our demonstrator for the evening.
Sean’s demo had a Christmas feel to it and it got us thinking about what we could do to turn some ornaments.
First up was an angel turned from ash. The blank was about 120 mm long and 40 mm square. As a guide, the body is usually about twice the size of the head. Shape the head first followed by the collar and then the body. You can incorporate your own design here. Sean used the skew to finish smoothly followed by sanding. Finally he turned a headpiece to fit snugly onto the head and the angel was done.
The second part of Sean’s demo was a snowman. Using a scyamore blank he rounded it to approx 105 mm by 70 mm diameter. He then turned the head to 50 mm diameter all round and then shaped the body to approx 70 mm diameter. Here again you can use your own design. Following finishing and sanding the snowman was parted off. Then a hat for the snowman was turned from a contrasting wood (this could also be stained). The inside was hollowed out to fit the snowman’s head and then the rim turned leaving the body of the hat to be shaped. Sean used a hot wire to burn a nice design into the body before parting off. Snowman done and looking very smart with his hat.
This was a lovely demo and showed how to make simple items and then embellish them by burning designs into them or colour.
This was our last get together before Christmas so we extend the greeting of the season to all our members, their families and also our followers.
The December competition was for a natural edge piece. There was a great variety of pieces on display. Well done to all.
Competition piece for January is a lighthouse.
Monthly Chapter Competition Winners
Winner – Tom Jordan
Second (Joint) – Pat O’Malley
Third – Michael Ruane
CraobhEo Dec 2018 Meeting
Competition Winners; (L-R), Pat O’Malley 2nd (Yew bowl), Tom Jordan 1st (Ash, 4 line weave), Michael Ruane 3rd (Birch bowl)