Jan 2015 Meeting


The January meeting of the 2014/2015 year was held on Thurs. 8th January in the Craobh Eo Centre in Aghamore.

This was the first meeting of 2015 and there was a good turnout. Sean Foody was our demonstrator and he choose to turn a twisted lamp.

First he went into great detail on the design. A blank of 3″ x 3″ and approx 12 inches long was chosen. This was marked out and the twist scribed lengthways onto the block. The block was then cut in two along the scribe – this would become the twist. The two pieces were then each cut lengthways to give four pieces. The final step in the design phase was glueing the 4 pieces back together in a particular sequence.

Note: Prior to glue-up a little chamfer was made on each inner corner so that when combined in the glue-up they would allow the lamp cord to be inserted. The twisted lamp was now ready for turning.

Sean had chosen a blank for the base and this was turned next. The mortice for the lamp body was made and shaping then took place.

The final stage was the body of the lamp. The spigot or tenon to fit into the base was roughly prepared. Next the bottom part was turned and this was followed by the shaping of the top. He then came back to the final fitting of the tenon like a seasoned pro. The twist part would be sanded off lathe.

The end result was impressive and discussion took place also about using different woods to give additional impact.

This was about how to use design to create impact and well done to Sean for using his experience to bring us this demo.

January's Competition

 The January competition was for an off centre laminated bowl. As well as the laminating there was also the challenge of off centre turning of a glued piece. The approach needs to be thought out prior to turning from a safety perspective.


    February’s competition is a smokers pipe.        




   Winner                    Pat O’Malley

   Second                   Sean Byrne

   Third                       Sean Foody