Jan 2019 Meeting

The January meeting of the CraobhEo 2018/19 year took place on the 10th January in the CraobhEo Centre in Aghamore.
Martin Wilson was our demonstrator for the evening.
Martin choose to make a skeleton clock. This is generally not a wall clock and is better mounted on a base and can be a nice wedding gift with name of couple engraved on a plate attached. You will need a clock insert and this can be purchased for about €30.
The first step is to prepare the blank for the body. Martin’s blank (beech) was 45 mm deep and 225 square. Two holes (centered) are drilled, one at the top of the blank and the other at the bottom, 12 mm deep and 15 mm wide. The body is then rounded.
Next mount a round 1″ MDF faceplate (home made) on the lathe and attach blank with hot melt glue all around the outer edge of blank.
Get width of clock insert and mark on blank. Always mark from left for safety.
Use parting tool to remove core of blank so you can insert the clock and use this core for the base blank later.
Take measurement of clock insert depth and taper back front to match this depth.
Clock insert has a back and front plate so adjust fit of both leaving a tiny bit of play for wood movement.
Decorate face, round the outer edge and sand.
Mount base blank (from above) by jam chucking it against chuck with tailstock for support. Shape top and then decorate top and side edge. Finish by sanding.
Mount a blank for the bottom finial. Martin used African Blackwood and round up. Turn a tenon at each end 12 mm deep and 15 mm wide to fit into holes already drilled in body and base. Turn to a design of your choice. Assemble body, finial and base.
Mount a blank for top finial blank (A/B) in chuck and round up. Turn spigot 15 mm wide by 12 mm deep to fit into body. Shape from top (outside) down. Sand and part off. Fit into top of body.
Assemble insert (back and front) and lock by twisting.
Brass plate with name can be attached as well if its a gift.
Well done Martin This was a lovely demo and and beautiful gift idea as well.
The January competition was a lighthouse. The standard was high and a lot of work went into the making. Well done to all.
Competition piece for February is a hanging shelf.
Monthly Chapter Competition Winners
Winner – Tom Jordan
Second – Michael Ruane
Third (Joint) – Dickie Barrett
– Martin Wilson
– Padraig Grealis
CraobhEo Jan 2019 Meeting
Competition Winners; (L-R); Dickie Barrett (Joint 3rd), Martin Wilson (Joint 3rd), Padraig Grealis (Joint 3rd), Michael Ruane (2nd), Tom Jordan (1st)