Jan 2020 Meeting

The January meeting of the CraobhEo 2019/20 year took place on the 9th January in the CraobhEo Centre in Aghamore.

Richard Barrett and Tom Jordan from the CraobhEo Chapter were our demonstrators for the night.

​ This was Tom and Richard’s first time to demonstrate, two of our most experienced woodturners and we were all looking forward to the demo.

They chose a John Malone four belt weave for their demo. A big challenge. Richard explained in detail the dimensions for the weave. See the drawing board example. Tom and Richard then carefully transferred the dimensions to the 176 mm by 118 mm  blank. Accuracy here is important. A recess for the stebs centres is cut at both ends to facilitate off centre turning.

The blank is then mounted between centres in the first off centre position. A circle is then cut running through the centre all around. Remount in normal position and turn a curve with the same radius as the diameter of the bowl. Go back to off centre position 1 as before. Mark out in pencil. Follow same procedure in marking out positions 2, 3 and 4. Repeat the off centre setups above and cut a recess following the lines already marked and burn in with a hot wire.

This concludes the turning on the 4 belt weave. Colouring the diamonds in the weave can enhance the finished bowl. Various shapes can be turned to make a vase or hollow form. Richard explained the layout for various alternatives weaves that can be turned.

The John Malone group meets monthly in Willie Creighton’s workshop to promote this area of woodturning. This was a great demo and many thanks to our Chairman Tom and Richard for a great night on their first demo. It’s great encouragement to all to share their skills.


The January competition was a piggy bank money box. Willie Creighton did a critique on the items on display and commented on the high standard. Well done to all. Competition piece for February is a musical instrument.                      

 Monthly Chapter Competition Winners

Winner          –      Pat O’Malley

Second          –      Robert Hanford

Third (Joint)  –     Michael Maye, Paddy Treacy