January 2022 Meeting

The January meeting of the CraobhEo 2021/22 year took place on the 13th January in the CraobhEo Centre in Aghamore.
Our demonstrator for the evening was Kevin Geaney from the Cork Chapter.
Kevin had made the long trip from Cork earlier in the day and had booked into the local B&B.
This was a very interesting demonstration, thought provoking and engaging and he didn’t actually make anything at all on the lathe.
It was more of an explanation, and a good one at that, about how to make a small bowl from a piece of timber measuring approximately 450 mm x 112 mm x 20 mm.
The theme for the evening was “ Using Scraps” which is something Kevin likes to do and perhaps more of us should consider this especially when we see what can be achieved.
After sanding the piece and forming a true edge, cut the piece in two, across the grain. Lay the two pieces side by side with the two true edges meeting as shown in the diagram/ photo attached.
Clamp the two pieces together and swing the largest circle possible on the surface. Then swing more circles each reducing by the thickness of the piece, in this case 20 mm.
Now, undo the clamps, separate the pieces and cut along the lines on the bandsaw with the table tilted at 45 degrees.
Next, glue the half circles together to form rings, making sure the joints are good.
When set, glue the rings together on top of each other to form a bowl with the joints in different positions for added strength.
The rings could be stacked and tightened together on the lathe with the bottom solid base attached to another piece for holding in the chuck for later turning and sanding.
It is also possible to use different and contrasting woods for variety.
In fact the possibilities are endless as can be seen from the attached photographs.
Monthly Chapter Competition Winners
Winner – Willie Creighton
Second – Liam Horan
Third – Padraig Grealis