Jun 2016 Meeting

The June meeting of the 2015/2016 year was held on Thurs. 9th June in the Craobh Eo Centre (Old Schoolhouse) in Aghamore.
The demonstrator for the evening was Willie Creighton.
The demo started with the making of a ring holder from Spalted Beech. The piece of wood was 180 x 60 x 60.
The blank was first turned to a cylinder and a spigot was turned at one end. A serrated chuck was then mounted onto the piece ensuring the wood was butting correctly against the chuck. Willie roughed down waste on a section of the cylinder and then using a spindle gouge he brought this end down to a 12 mm dia. before turning an ogee. The remaining section which was to make up the base was then shaped and lines were burned for decoration.
The piece was then parted off using a parting tool.
Next Willie took a piece of Red Deal 60 x 60 and pinned this between centres and turned it to a cylinder.
Willie went through the process of getting a clean cut with the skew chisel and also in using a spindle gouge to turn an ogee and bead constantly rechecking that the piece was securely in place to prevent ridges on the wood.
Using a forstner bit he bored out a hole into the end grain and finished off the hollowing using a scraper going through the important points in relation to hollowing – angle of tool to wood , sharpening angle –
At the end of this section of the demo Willie had completed a nice parallel box with a lot of emphasis given to good practice in the use of tools.
The last piece demonstrated was the making of a goblet. Once again all the skills required to make such a project were emphasised in detail – chucking, hollowing into endgrain, turning an ogee, beads, supporting the piece on lathe and separating the base from the spigot.
This was a very educational demo and a lot to be learned by all present. Well done and our thanks to Willie.
June's Competition
June’s competition was a wing bowl. There was a nice variety on show and thanks to all who submitted a piece.
The pieces were judged by David Knox.
September’s competition will be a piece of your choice.
Winner Liam Horan
Second Dickie Barrett
Third Sean Byrne
Annual Competition
This was the last meeting of the 2015/2016 year. The results of the overall winners for the year were announced.
Well done to all who competed throughout the year and congratulations to the winners.
Overall Winners for Year 2015/2016
Winner Dickie Barrett
Second Liam Horan
Third Paul Tant