Jun 2017 Meeting


The last meeting of the Craobh Eo woodturning year was held on Thurs June 8th, 2017 in Martin Wilson’s workshop in Beltra, Co Sligo.

Martin Wilson and his family were our hosts for the evening. This was a very fitting end to the year with a lot of work put in in the kitchen before hand with the preparation of a beautiful meal for all present before the demo.




Martin then proceeded to take us to his new work shop where he carried out a demonstration on OFF-CENTRE TURNING going through the process as outlined on drawings he had prepared beforehand.

The first piece was an off centre bud vase and Martin explained the bud vase could be done using 3 or 4 points . He started with a square section of 75mm and 180mm long. Centre lines were marked on the end grain (not diagonals) and points 10mm in from the edges were marked on the centre lines.

The piece was mounted on the centre at the tailstock end and at one of the 10mm pts. At the head stock. This was repeated for all four pts. Until arcs were formed on the four surfaces. The piece was then remounted on its centre points and tapered down to 24 mm. At the tailstock end. Using an auger bit suitable to the size of a test tube a hole was bored.

A decorative feature was the applied to the top of the bud vase and the base removed to leave a very attractive bud vase.


Martins second project was an egg timer made from branch wood (yew). The piece was first turned to 30 mm diameter and positioned in the chuck. 100mm length was marked on the wood with the parting tool and another part was marked for the plug. As the plug was to be 16 mm  the parting tool was used to reduce this part to the required dimension and this was then seperated from the main part of the timer. A hole was then bored of diameter 16mm and depth 90mm for the sand timer to fit. When the hole was bored the plug that was already parted off was repositioned and 2 points  7.5 mm from the centre were marked at each end and repositioned on the lathe. A section was then turned to expose the hole already bored so that the sand timer part could be viewed. The piece was then cleaned up.


The third piece that was demonstrated was a display unit for a pen made from a piece of Mahogany 125 x 100 x 25. Two curves were marked on the wood and using the band saw the majority of waste was removed. Holes that were carefully positioned were bored on the base to a depth of 12mm with a 25mm forstner bit. When the holes were bored the piece was positioned on the chock with jaws suitable for the task and one part of the curve was cleaned up and a chamfer removed.

The piece was then repositioned in hole 2 where again a curve was cleaned and a second chamfer was removed giving an oval shape to the base with a nice chamfer.

The other two holes that were bored were used to apply decorative features to the top of the display unit. This idea is a fantastic for display or presentation pieces suitable for all occasions.


This was a very well presented demo on off centre turning with very good handouts to match. Drawings for projects can be seen on Craobh eo website.

On behalf of the Craobh Eo chapter we would like to thank Martin, his wife Moya as well as James and Rachel for all their hard work on the evening and being fantastic hosts for all present

A big welcome also to our colleagues from the Sligo and North East Chapters who were present.

Select Options below to download the handouts from the meeting



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June’s competition piece was a sphere.

Thanks to all who submitted a piece and well done for taking part in a very challenging project.


The results of the overall competition for the year were also announced. Congratulations to all winners.    


Happy turning over the summer months and see you all in September.


June Results

Winner     –     Dickie Barrett

Second    –     Ian McDougall

Third        –    Sean Byrne


Overall Results for Year

Winner     –     Tom Jordan

Second    –     Dickie Barrett

Third        –     Ian McDougall