Jun 2018 Meeting

The June meeting of the CraobhEo 2017/18 year took place in the CraobhEo centre (the Old Schoolhouse) in Aghamore on the 14th June 2018.
Sean Foody who was our demonstrator for the evening had to stand in at short notice.
Sean chose to turn a desktop pen and clock set. He started by going through some examples he had turned previously and showed how to present various combinations.
First up he turned the clock stand. A blank was mounted in the chuck, rounded to a cylinder and then turned to a sphere. A recess was drilled to receive the chuck and the rim tidied up. The sphere was then remounted into a jam chuck and supported by the tailstock the base was finished.
Next was the base. The blank for this was one half of a cylinder which was cut in two on the bandsaw. This was mounted in a donut chuck and a recess for the clock stand was hollowed out. Sean discussed the donut chuck and its versatility and referred to the demo by Kieran Reynolds at the CraobhEo seminar in February of this year. Sean’s version has the inside dished out for versatility. See photos.
Sean then turned a pen from walnut. Two blanks were prepared for the barrels, drilled to fit on a mandrel and inserted on the mandrel using spacers. The tailstock is brought up for support. The barrels were turned to a nice shape and then sanded. Then the barrels were coated with a diamond coat finish (see photo) and buffed. The pen was then assembled in a pen assembly press. See photo.
The final part of the demo was engraving the base of the desk set. Sean introduced his battery powered engraver and explained a little about engraving. First you trace out the engraving either by hand or using a stencil. You carefully follow the trace with the engraver leaving a slight indentation in the wood. Finally you emphasize this by going over it with a fine felt tip pin. An eraser can be used to smooth the surface off when finished. This was a nice touch to the desktop set.
Many thanks to Sean for a very interesting demo leaving us with plenty of ideas to turn gift sets during the summer.
The June competition was for an off centre piece. Thanks to all who submitted a piece and well done.
Competition piece for September is a piece of your choice.
Monthly Chapter Competition Winners
Winner – Michael Ruane
Second – Dickie Barrett
Third – Liam Horan
Overall Chapter Competition Winners for 2018
Winner – Michael Ruane
Second – Pat O’Malley
Third – Dickie Barrett
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Overall 2018 winner Michael Ruane receives his prize from Sean Foody (L) and Martin Wilson (R)
CraobhEo June 2018 Meeting
Overall 2018 runner up Pat O’Malley receives his prize from Sean Foody (L) and Martin Wilson (R)
CraobhEo June 2018 Meeting
Overall 2018 3rd place Dickie Barrett receives his prize from Sean Foody (L) and Martin Wilson (R)
CraobhEo June 2018 Meeting
June competition winners – Dickie Barrett (2nd), Michael Ruane (1st), Liam Horan (3rd)