Mar 2016 Meeting

The March meeting of the 2015/2016 year was held on Thurs. 11th March in the Craobh Eo Centre (Old Schoolhouse) in Aghamore.
Our demonstrator for the evening was Michael Horkan and his project was a table lamp. It consisted of 8 pieces in total, a stem with 4 pieces, base and 3 feet.
Michael came well prepared which is always a good idea. He took the bottom up approach and first turned the feet.
Next he mounted a blank for the base and drilled the holes to receive the stem and cable. Three holes to receive the feet also need to drilled. The blank was rounded and the top of the base shaped. Then the base was reversed using a jam chuck and the bottom turned.
As the stem consisted of two similiar pieces only one was turned on the night. A blank was mounted for one half of the stem and drilled through the centre to later receive the cable. Michael used Willie’s new chuck that allows the shavings to be ejected without going through the tailstock. Nice one. Martin was impressed and he has made a few lamps in his time. The blank was drilled to receive the other stem (this was marked earlier). A spigot was turned to attach to the base (or other stem if top one). Stem was then rounded and shaped.
Finally Michael turned the little inserts for the stem, one for the top and the other for the middle in a contrasting wood (walnut). This involved mounting a blank in the chuck, drilling it to fit over the stem spigot and shaping. Job done.
This is a lamp that would grace any table and well done to Michael for a very nice demo and introducing a lovely project to make. The weather is warmer so lets get turning make someone very happy.
March's Competition
Our March competition was for a hat or a cap. This was a challenging project and well done to those who submitted an entry.
The pieces were judged by Martin Wilson.
April’s competition is a decorative centre piece for a dining table.
Winner Willie Creighton (Sycamore hat)
Second Eamonn Brennan (S/Beech cap)
Third Sean Foody (Sycamore hat)