March 2022 Meeting
The March meeting of the CraobhEo 2021/22 year took place on the 10th March in the CraobhEo Centre in Aghamore.
Our demonstrator for the evening was Joe O’Neill from the Dublin Chapter.
Joe arrived fresh from our annual seminar at the end of February and we were delighted he made the journey again to be with us for the evening.
A few tips and tricks to start with.
First off he showed us how to hold a square blank using four screws on a prepared wooden faceplate. A quick and easy way to turn small items.
Next he took a honey jar cap, mounted it in the chuck and turned a hole to receive a brush and then glued it in using hot glue on the outside for his sand and sealer mix.
He showed a little box he loves to make, simple and straightforward. Most of his tools have short handles for carrying around, a decision he made long ago.
Using a home made chuck handle with chuck inserted he turned a handle, starting with spigot for ferrule. Insert a steel nail, grind it to a triangle shape and you have a useful little tool.
This was Joe’s main project for the evening.
Mount a cylinder between centres and turn a spigot at each end. Make a parting cut about a third in but not right through.
Remount body end in chuck. Mark off for lid before parting off lid. Hollow out leaving dome shape on bottom (or shape of your choice). Bottom done.
Mount lid in chuck. Turn dome shape for underside of lid. Fit lid to bottom, proceeding cautiously, starting at an angle and working inwards. See photos. Turn demarcation ring between lid and body.
Remount wooden faceplate, attach square blank for lid insert with hot glue and tailstock for support initially until it dries. Turn disc to insert in lid.
Remount box, including lid taped on and turn recess in lid to receive disk. Glue on and finish off top of lid. Box done.
There are other option for decorating the lid which Joe explained as well. Here you can be inventive.
Parting shot.
Joe mounted a laminated blank that had four rectangular blanks glued with paper in the glue joint. He rounded this to a cylinder. Then he turned different cuts, coves, vees etc along the cylinder giving different rings designs. Remove and split out the four blanks. You now have a decorative moulding.
Nobody attends a Joe O’Neill demo without coming away entertained and this demo was no different. You are a gifted man Joe and we were so delighted to have you. Thank you.
Competition for March was a box. There was a good and varied display of entries for the competition.
Monthly Chapter Competition Winners
Winner – Tom Jordan
Second – Willie Creighton, Noel Grogan, Pat O’Malley
Third – Martin Wilson