May 2019 Meeting


The May meeting of the CraobhEo 2018/19 year took place on the 9th May in the CraobhEo Centre in Aghamore.

Jim Kelly, Crossborder Chapter and IWG Secretary was our demonstrator for May.


 Jim’s project was a laminated goblet. He explained how the combination of mahogany, sycamore and red cedar segments are put together and came with a fully glued up laminated blank for the demo. This blank was marked out carefully for mounting between centres and then rounded. Jim gave out tips on turning as he went along. He turned a spigot at one end and mounted the blank in the chuck.  

 Next he marked out dimensions for the goblet, 70 mm for top and 140 mm for stem. You can use your own design here. A very important step now is to test the blank is running true. Remove some waste from the stem to reveal the design from the laminate. Adjust at this point if necessary to ensure your blank is running true.  

 Next hollow out the goblet cup. Drill a hole 60 mm deep with a Forsner bit. Then hollow the end grain from the centre out using a spindle gouge. The top is flared out. When finished, insert a sponge cat ball (or similar) into the cup and bring the tailstock up for support.

 Shape the outside of the cup next. Continue removing waste from the stem revealing the lamination and turning your detail design. Work from the top to the base, you can’t go back. Again the design is your choice. The final thickness of the stem will depend on the laminate.  

 Finally the base is shaped and parted off. Great care must be taken during this project as you are working with a laminated stem. The bottom of the base is tidied up manually. Finishing can be two coats of sanding sealer (diluted) and a finish coat of your choice. Job done and a lovely goblet that would grace anybody’s display cabinet.  

 Well done to Jim and a big thank you for making the trip from Castleblaney to be with us. We appreciate you taking the time out to come and visit us. It was a lovely demo and a challenging project with plenty of ideas for everyone to take home and continue turning this summer. 


The May competition was a laminated piece turned from a mixture of materials. The standard on display was again very high and a big thank you to those who took part. Jim Kelly very kindly agreed to do an appraisal afterwards and was impressed by what he saw. He also complimented the chapter on the display of items being donated to charity which he said is an idea that should be emulated by other chapters.

Competition piece for June is a box. A nice project for everyone to have a go at. 




 Monthly Chapter Competition Winners

Winner      Michael Ruane

Second      Tom Jordan

Third          Padraig Grealis