The 2010 Craobh Eo seminar was held in Kiltimagh in the Park Hotel.
John Kelly was our exhibitor for the day
The event was under a cloud of ash from the start as Gary Rance, one of our scheduled exibitors was forced to cancel.
This really put it up to John Kelly, our other exibitor and we were wondering
He gave an excellent display of woodturning skills to keep us all engrossed for the day. John’s has a relaxed style of woodturning, doused with the occasional gem of wit. He likes to simplify things and passed us on many tips.
One minute you are looking at a piece half turned and the next thing it is finished. We figured that there was a lifetime of turning experience behind this.
There was a good selection of items on display and standard was high as usual
Winner Chris Sweeney (Craobh Eo)
Second Paddy Murphy (South East)
Third Gabriel Wall (South East)