Sep 2015 Meeting

This was the first meeting of the 2015/2016 year and was our A.G.M. It was held on Thurs. 10th September in the Craobh Eo Centre in Aghamore.
Craobh Eo chairman Sean Foody chaired the meeting.
Sean Byrne stepped down as Secretary and was replaced by Michael Horkan. Sean Foody thanked Sean for the great work he did over the past 3 years on behalf of the chapter and also for agreeing to remain on for 1 more year as assistant Secretary.
Martin Wilson also came on board as assistant Treasurer.
New rules were agreed for the judgeing of the monthly competition with two members acting as judges each month on a rotation basis.
The annual Christmas party to take place late Nov./early Dec. at a venue to be decided. All members urged to come and make it a great night.
It was agreed to donate woodturned items to a chosen charity again this year – last year was very successful. More about this next month.
Craobh Eo seminar to be organised earlier this year – demonstrators being lined up. More info later.
Chapter challenge for 2015 in full swing – thanks to all who took part and good luck.
Finally Sean thanked all for a very successful year and urged members to make the new year even more enjoyable.
Some images from the IWG National seminar in Dublin.
September's Competition
The September competition was a spindle turned piece. There was a varied display of items and thanks to all who submitted a piece.
October’s competition is an off centre piece.
Winner Ian McDougall
Second Liam Horan
Third Willie Creighton