Sept 2018 Meeting

The September meeting of the CraobhEo 2018/19 year took place on the 13th September in the Craobh Eo Centre in Aghamore.
Willie Creighton who was our demonstrator for the first meeting of the new woodturning season.
Willie chosen demo was a two piece lamp. The blank was laminated with wood from the cathedral in Ballina. It was a close grained good quality Baltic pine wood.
The body was turned first, dimensions 14 by 4 ins. After mounting between centres, it was rough turned to a cylinder. A tenon was turned at the bottom (3/4 in) to fit into the base. The demo incorporated many different cuts, coves, beads (flush, raised & half), fillets, ogees and bird’s beak. When turning, maintain a soft grip on the tool, look at the horizon rather than the tool. Get a nice flow always to your design incorporate the above cuts for effect. Finishing cuts are done with care and lathe running at a brisk speed. See photos for shape of body.
The base blank (7 3/4 by 2 ins) was then mounted and trued up. A recess was turned to receive body with a little extra depth to accommodate the flex later. Willie again incorporated different cuts to get a nice design to compliment the body. The top area where the body meets the base needs to be flat. Remount the base to finish the bottom, removing screw marks with a nice cove and leave a concave shape overall.
Finally Willie turned a ring holder incorporating many of the cuts discussed above. See photos.
A warm welcome to Danny and Ollie from the Sligo Chapter and an invitation to the John Malone demo in Sligo that is coming soon.
The September competition was for a piece of your choice. There was a lovely display of turned items and our thanks to all who submitted a piece. Well done.
Competition piece for October is a clock.
Monthly Chapter Competition Winners
Winner – Michael Ruane
Second – Dickie Barrett
Third (Joint) – Tom Burke and Ian McDougall
CraobhEo Sept 2018 Meeting
Competition winners. (L-R), Tom Burke (Joint third), Ian McDougall (Joint third), Danny McGeever (Sligo Chapter), Dickie Barrett (Second), Michael Ruane (Winner)