Feb 2016 Meeting

The February meeting of the 2015/2016 year was held on Thurs. 11th February in the Craobh Eo Centre in Aghamore.
Sean Byrne was the demonstrator for the evening. This was Sean’s first time demonstrating.
Sean first demonstrated the turning of a fine finial. These are a very nice idea to enhance lids on various boxes and other items. They can also be used in creating some interesting Christmas decorations.
Their use will govern their shape, size, strength and fragility i.e. whether they are used solely for decoration or for a functional piece. A handout was given to all, showing some examples and giving points towards achieving good finials.
His second project was a flower vase, with a narrow glass insert to hold water. This idea may be also used as a tealight holder. The main features of the design was to leave a piece of bark on the vase as a decoration and secondly to undercut beneath the bark creating a rim.
February's Competition
The February competition was for a laminated piece.
Winner Paddy Treacy