March 2024 Meeting

The March meeting of the CraobhEo 2023/24 year took place on Thursday the 14th March in the CraobhEo Centre in Aghamore.
Our demonstrator for the evening was John Breslin from the Donegal Chapter.
John’s project for the evening was a lighthouse.
Mount a maple blank for the tower, approx. 190 mm long by 75 mm square, between centres and round up. Taper in from 70 mm at bottom to 60 mm at top. Turn tenons at both ends that will fit into base and top. Mark out the blank into even sections and burn in on the pencil marks to prevent dye running to next section. Apply dark dye to every second section and recoat when dry.
Next mount an ash blank for top section, approx. 140 mm diameter and 50 mm thickness, round up and true up face. Turn recess for top of tower to fit into. Remount in chuck using this recess and turn recess to house your preferred top light housing, in this case a Yankee candle holder that will house the candle. This can also be an LED. Next mark out twelve sections using the indexing on the lathe and drill twelve 25 mm holes for fence. Cut in from front and side to remove a rail for the top. Use 6 mm dowels rod for posts and cut twelve 6o mm long posts. Glue the top tail to the body using the posts. Start with four to get it in place and let set, then glue in the others one by one. Tidy up, sand and apply finish of choice, in this case friction polish.
Finally the base. Mount blank, bog oak was chosen here, and prepare as per your chosen design. Turn recess for base of tower to fit into. Attach tower to base and top with preferred glue. Attach light with silicone. Lighthouse completed.
John’s parting shot was a whiskey tumbler.
Mount a 50 mm by 75 mm American oak blank, round up, turn spigot and mount in chuck. Hollow out and scorch the wood. Sand with wire wool. Turn your preferred shape on the outside, in this instance a convex curve with burnt in rings. Finish and part off. Fifteen minutes for tumbler. Well done John.
These were lovely projects and went down very well will everyone. Thank you John for making the long journey from Donegal to be with us on wet evening. Everybody was really pleased with the demo and eager to get home and have a go. Our thanks and cheers.
Chapter Competition
Competition for March was a segmented piece.
A new intermediate competition was also introduced for turners up to three years experience.
John Breslin judged both competitions and gave a critique afterwards on each piece. As usual there was a high standard for both competitions and John commented on this. Thanks to John and to all who took part in the competitions.
Competition for April is a clock.
Monthly Chapter Competition Winners
Winner – Willie Creighton
Second – Denis O’Donnell
Third – Louise Wilde, Steve Twydell
Winner – Eltin Moran
Second – Tom Donnelly
Third – Brendan Calvey
CraobhEo March 2024 Meeting
Advanced Competition Winners (L-R); Willie Creighton (1st), John Breslin, Denis O’Donnell (2nd), Louise Wilde (Joint 3rd), Steve Twydell (Joint 3rd)
CraobhEo March 2024 Meeting
Intermediate Competition Winners (L-R); Eltin Moran (1st), Tom Donnelly (2nd), John Breslin, Brendan Calvey (3rd).