October 2023 Meeting

The October meeting of the 2023/24 CraobhEo woodturning year was held on Thurs October 12th, 2023 in the CraobhEo Centre in Aghamore.
This was our A.G.M.
Chairman Tom Jordan chaired the meeting and expressed sympathy with Tom Burke on the death of his wife Carol and Michael Maye on the death of his mother Delores. He thanked all members who served the chapter in any capacity in the past year.
Secretary Pat O’Malley reported a successful 2023 CraobhEo Seminar, held in the Gateway Hotel, Swinford in Feb 2022 where we welcomed, Kevin Geaney and Tony Farrell both from the Cork Chapter as our demonstrators. Graham Griffiths, Shannonside, Ian McDougall and Tom Jordan took the competition prizes.
Overall monthly competitions 2023 winner was Willie Creighton with Patrick Munnelly second and Tom Jordan, Ian McDougall and Louise Wilde sharing third.
The outside demonstrators during the year were Philip Mahon, Sligo (Dec), Danny McGeever, Sligo (Jan), Donal Ryan, Limerick (Feb), Frank Fitzpatrick, Shannonside (Apr), Arthur Cumiskey, Shannonside (May) and Kevin Geaney, Cork (Sept).
The membership stands at 52 and this is one of the highest in the country. We had regular attendance well into the twenties for our monthly meetings and our competitions were well supported by members..
Willie Creighton presented the Treasurer report and covered the chapter’s finances in detail. He also outlined plans for the forthcoming 2024 CraobhEo seminar to be held the Gateway Hotel, Swinford on the 24th Feb 2024. Demonstrators will be Graham Griffiths, Shannonside and Pat Horgan, Limerick Chapter.
Discussions took place on competition rules, website and its usage, chapter get together and fundraising for charity.
Chapter Competition
The October competition was a piece finished with the tool, no sanding.
Well done to all who submitted a piece.
Willie Creighton did a critique and evaluated each entry in turn with feedback to each member. Thank you, Willie.
Competition piece for November is a lidded box..
Monthly Chapter Competition Winners
Winner – Willie Creighton
Second (Joint) – Richard Barrett, Denis O’Donnell,
Patrick Munnelly, Pat O’Malley
Third (Joint) – Louise Wilde, Padraig Grealis